The change of the earth

You can access over 1 000 teachings from Guides and Teachers on the other side, who have channelled detailed insights about how, when and where the Earths transformation will take place

Animals and Pets

tiny bird
1501 How animals pass over
1415. Creature that balances animals in nature(Audio)
1338 A Koala explains lifespans of animals(Good audio)
1308 Cattle fed on steroids will be stopped (Audio)
1305 Birds pass over faster (Audio)
1303 Quicker deaths for animals(Audio)
1295 Predators in nature(Audio)
1048   Cats and Dogs are sent down as groups  (Part 2) 
1047   Cats and Dogs are sent down as groups  (Part 1)
1024 Helping cats pass over
868 Dogs talking to dogs
748 Energies of Animals and Pets
957 Communicating with Animals
1512 How food from animals will change (Guide continues)
1267 Divas using energy on animals(Audio)
857 How animals cross over
1522 How the change will affect pets and animals
1456 How the change will affect Pets, food, animals and war
1050  Putting memories into bigger animals (Part 2) Very good
1049  Guides putting memories into small animals (Part 1)
1051  Putting memories into Fish to help evolve with the change  (Part 3) Very good
1052 How animals will evolve with climate change

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