The change of the earth

You can access over 1 000 teachings from Guides and Teachers on the other side, who have channelled detailed insights about how, when and where the Earths transformation will take place


1491 The children’s toy box
1490 The children’s party of thoughts, connected to them by energy
1433 How the change will affect children
1341 Short visit from advanced soul and soon to be children(Audio)
1292 A guide talks about the youth of today(Audio)
1232 Children now born with advanced energies(Audio)
1060 Toothless Indian teaches Spirit children about nature(Audio)
929 –  The children’s toy box of thoughts
928  Spirit kids create thought forms to play with
895 Children’s energy through puberty
881 How “The Change” will bring a new range of children
8 year old girl Channels By
763 How young children connect with Spirit – more than you think (V good)
740 12th May 2022 Children create their own playground
739 12th May 2022 Spirit Children and how they function
729 2nd May 2022  Next generation of children bring new memories
912  New kids will believe in Aliens and meditation
1257 New generation will accept sensing along with science(Good audio)
1043 Orphanages

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