The change of the earth

You can access over 1 000 teachings from Guides and Teachers on the other side, who have channelled detailed insights about how, when and where the Earths transformation will take place


1441 Norway. Peaceful energy, softer, energy stored there
1414 Improving energy (Audio)
1355 B Final thoughts on changing negative to positive(Audio)
1354 Use the negative energy around you(Audio)
1352 How one person can change more than you can think(Audio)
1325 Creating new energy out of a crisis(Audio)
1272 The energy attached to cathedrals (Audio)
1234 Spirit explains how they can re-create feelings(Audio)
1214 Refugees and their energy(Good Audio)
1149 Sharon chats to No-name about new energy (GOOD) 23rd Aug 23
1135 New energies for the workplace(Audio)
1130 Guide explains new soft pink energy(Audio)
1128 We chat to a guide about new energy from the Sun(Audio)
1046  How energy flows through your bodies –
1019 Anxiety energy
1017 Energy to destroy and repair (Part 3) Africa, Asia, America
1016  Energy to destroy and repair (Part 2) Harlem
1015  Energy to destroy and repair (Part 1)
1001 Black “Ending or finishing energy”
992  Its how people perceive you
982 Geoff is shown too much of the new energy/love
806 A long talk on energy Part 6  energy when you evolve.
805 A long talk on energies Part 5 Royalty
804 Energies Clergy and Religions
803 Energy Part 4 Mental disorders and Prisoners
802 Energy Part 3 Children and animals
801 Energies Part 2 Your own energy field
775 Using air to move energy
767 Tranquil energies
766 Excellent talk on thought forms and energy
762 Red energy – and lose everything to see a clearer picture.
745   How spirit can direct energy without changing free will
742 13 May 2022 Different strengths of energies
736 6th May 2022 People creating Covid energy created from fear.
733 6th May 2022 Using bright and dark energy.
723 Meeting a robot spirit translator
717 April 2022 Verna shows us a variety of energies.
705   Automating energies
835 Automation of colours and energies
765 Management structure
774     Energies stored in water and crystals
910 Using the next level of energy with memories added.
1520  New energy to balance nature (Part 2)
1519  New energy to balance nature (Part 1)
1309 The sea creates new energy for the change (Audio)
837 2 small items
842 War. What to do with energy of despair?
800 (July 22)   Energies. Part 1 Russia
769 Energies, planets and evolving
1524  Cleaning up the greylands and darklands
1476 Storing and using energies (Audio)
1474 A new energy to correct damage done to the Earth (Quiet audio)
1352 B When we can all use energy for good(Good audio)
985  New Energy – The desire to help
954 March 2022. Things you didn’t know about Nature & energies
1247 Emptiness energy(Audio)
1245 New energy gives clarity to sort out differences(Audio)
1228 Guide explains new forms of energy (Audio)
1145 Creating new energy to help with the change(Audio)
1132 Guide explains a new energy for the planet, and planning ahead(Audio)
1000  Rebuilding energy

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