The change of the earth

You can access over 1 000 teachings from Guides and Teachers on the other side, who have channelled detailed insights about how, when and where the Earths transformation will take place


Healing touch
1622   New healing energy
1427  Healing – reconnecting a mind
1401 – Peoples health will improve alongside nature
1355 Change the negative to positive when healing(Audio)
1018 Energy to heal Gabby
980 Neutralizing pharmaceuticals in a Hospital
919  Using stockpiles of energy automatically when needed
731 Colours and Energies with new ways of New Healing
1328 Healing with energy becoming more prominent (Audio)
1438 Red Indian medicine man
861 July 22 Creating things to make your body react
747 Medicines: Human beings were created to be able to survive.
732 6th May 2022 Healing just with the right heart
1265 New kids coming down to stop the trend of Vaping(Audio)
1105 Medicine man shares healing info (V Good audio)
1028  Verna visits and brings Patrick
730 4th May 2022   Sharon given new ways of Healing by sensing

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