The change of the earth

You can access over 1 000 teachings from Guides and Teachers on the other side, who have channelled detailed insights about how, when and where the Earths transformation will take place

Future predictions

2025 Predictions

What we can expect in the future

The next generation of children will be able to communicate with animals.

Animals will be more understood by the people – and treated far better.

The ULTIMATE new weapon will be developed. Every Country will have one and we will all be equal, so there will no longer be a need for armed forces as we know it today.

The role of Armed forces will be changed to stabilize most Countries for the next 10 years.

Wars: Some will be completed shortly with huge casualties; some will conclude with an easy peace due to financial and weather dramas. Very few new ones.

Extra-terrestrials will become more accepted as clearer sightings of UFO’s will be taken.

Portals will be discovered used by Alien visitors.

Container ships: Will be giant barges with many hydra-foils, and towed by “Nuclear Tugs” Unloading will be by magnetic rail that will take it direct from the barges to the correct warehouse.

Big Pharma will be exposed for what it is, with the majority of people reverting back to natural healing.

Medical aids will become smaller and will include natural medicines.

Hospitals will include Spiritual and natural healing.

Attorneys will become members of the community helping solve disputes at reasonable prices.

Media will change dramatically as people will take a long time to trust any form of media again.

Banks will close dramatically and digital currency will take over. 

Barter will become common.

Big Companies will switch to manufacturing goods at a reasonable price as they recognise people are more important than profit.

Imports will dwindle as Countries become more self-sufficient.

Investors (Old money) will see their finances dwindle with the closure of Banks, Big Pharma, Media, Hospitals and similar.

Food will be grown without chemical additives, and will taste better, and have more positive energy.

Very little food will be exported, as foreign currency will be not so needed.

Cattle and animals in the human food chain, will be fed natural foods without any chemicals or additives. 

They will be slaughtered in a more humane way, so less negativity created in the end result.

The cessation of using chemicals in the soil will prevent negative energies being digested by cattle, and then passed on to humans.

Eat far less meat – We will eat more local fruit and vegetables, and therefore healthier.

Food: Manufactured “Natural” food will replace meat.

We will grow our own food which will taste better and be far more nutritious.

Police will be stretched thin as crime rises due to poverty. It then stabilizes and reduces as people start to support one another.

We will work around 3 hours a day, due to automation – and have more time for socializing.

Transport will be mainly magnetic roads and railways, and driverless.

Flying cars: New solar propulsion with AI driving on aerial freeways.

Family discipline will be re-introduced, along with a better understanding of social behaviour.

People will be shorter as less physical labour will be needed, and less obese as we move back to natural and healthier foods.

New children being born will be much smarter, will bring more memories with them, and will concentrate on new technology and getting back to nature. 

The most recent generation (that are here now) will be teachers, next will be inventors of technology.

Religions will reduce dramatically as the new generation promotes the Spiritual side.  Many will try and re-interpret their beliefs. Each Country will have a different outcome.

Spirituality is almost as fragmented as Religions, with people passing on information they believe is right, this will be corrected to the new way.

Nature will go through a huge change to reverse the damage done by the introduction of chemicals to the soil, plastics, poisons, de-forestation and climate change.

Fish: Extreme weather will disrupt fishing for 2-3 years, and fishing stocks will expand nicely, and will become an excellent replacement for meat.

Storms:  Already begun in Dubai, Saudi, Turkey, Indonesia, Hong Kong, New York, Libya, Morocco, Bangladesh, Myanmar and China, UK, Spain and India. The main reason is a huge cleansing effect for the nature in the area, and group thinking.

Crystals: There are huge deposits of crystals beneath the earth surface, that contain energies from various planets. They will create an energy that can be used by many new “groups”

Energies: Areas will be totally devasted. They will then have the majority of negative energies removed from the area, and introduce a new energy suitable for the change.

Memories that are no longer usable. 90% will be removed and only 10% left

Passing over: This will eventually be more understood as people get to understand life, and less fear created in the elderly.

Passing over in the next 10 years. The following will pass over quicker than normal, to allow suitable energies and memories to be replaced with the new era of thinking.

The very elderly. The mentally disabled, and some severely disabled.   The Religious fanatics who will not change. Those that have reached the extremes of poverty, and have given up hope, and those that will pass over from Wars, Urban conflicts and extreme weather.

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