The change of the earth

You can access over 1 000 teachings from Guides and Teachers on the other side, who have channelled detailed insights about how, when and where the Earths transformation will take place

Spiritual growth (Advanced)

1272 Media exaggerate, but you shouldn’t
872 Growing your confidence
1627 A Guide talks about limitations
1477 How Heads of each Country work
12th Feb 2022 How the World developed
1283. Seeing false USA Politics with colours and crystals(Audio)
1057 Past Souls helping with the Israeli war Nov 23(Audio)
959 April 2022 Evolving at different levels in different forms
921 How Spirit can adjust your direction when needed
892 An automated collector of mistakes
873 Learning how to channel
778 How to live in the now
776 Spirit tries to automate a civilization
1619  Visiting different dimensions via portals with a gatekeeper
1370 How visitors talk through you. (Channeling)
706 Jesus talks about how Earth evolves.

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