The change of the earth

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Wars – Israel and others

isreil war
1525 What to do with energy created by War
994 Wars/conflict, bubble burst or peace.
1468 Wars will accelerate from Jan 2024(Audio)
1408 – The bad soldiers after a war stuck to learn and process  
1363 A Guide talk about energy and wars(Audio)
1347 Giving clarity to the Israel Gaza war(Audio)
1322 the first few weeks of the Israeli war(Audio)
1321 Turkeys thoughts on joining the Israeli war(Audio) Dec 3rd
1320 Israel, Gaza and Iran’s plans (Audio) Dec 3rd
1165 New tolerance in Israeli war Nov 12th 2023 (Audio)
1164 Golda Meyer helps Gaza war(Audio)
1136 Energy in wars(Audio)
724 Saudi Arabia v South Yemen (One of the first to change)

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